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About Us

I am happy to announce the commencement of our organization, It is my pleasure to offer the vocational Education and Training courses at AKS, in various disciplines like Arts, Science, Technology , Technical , Vocational, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil. Education is the vehicle to the journey of professional life.

An educated person will transform the society into a hub of opportunities and provide service and satisfaction to mankind. It is the sector where countries all over the world have been spending more funds. As the labour market becomes more specialized and economies demand higher levels of skill, governments and businesses are increasingly investing in the future of vocational education through publicly funded training organizations and subsidized apprenticeship or traineeship initiatives for businesses.

At the post-secondary level vocational education is typically provided by an institute of technology, Polytechnic, University, or by a local community college. Unfortunately, it has not yet reached the grass root level in our land. We plan to reach the people who have the skills but not the certificate to place them in higher echelons.

Having been educated in Vocational Stream during my schooling, I have realized the importance of career oriented education and the importance of employability factor. Without this dynamic feature, mere having a Certificate cannot formulate the career of a student. At our organization we have included the very basic and essential vocational modules to ensure completeness in the Course.

We have designed course curriculum in such a manner that it will make you eligible for employment in any private organization which is based on Vocational & skill Oriented Trades. I am very much confident that with world class contemporary course curriculum specific to the industries, we will be able to give to the market more number of knowledgeable and certified practitioners of Vocational Training.

On 15th July, which has been designated as The World Skills Day, the Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi launched the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), the flag-ship scheme for the Governments Skill India campaign.

Skill development has received the necessary attention it deserves following the formulation of the National Skill India Mission and the revision of the Skills Policy. The Skills Policy has been revised to address the gap that exists in the labour market between the huge demand for skilled labour and its scanty supply.

The industry, across all sectors, is always in need of resources that are well trained to deliver services and are aligned to standardized levels of specialization in a given field. Industry expectations however are often not met by new recruits or the required degree of expertise is absent. It is in this context that the Skill India Mission becomes relevant.

The Skill India Mission with the clarity provided by the revised Skills Policy seeks to:

  • Create aspiration among youth for skill development
  • Initiate training capacity building measures
  • Ensure standardization of the quality of training delivered
  • Integrate stakeholders involved in the process of training
  • Actively engage the industry in skill development from designing of content to its delivery
  • Promote entrepreneurship among skilled youth
  • Promote skill development among marginal groups

         The success of the Skill India Mission should also determine the progress of the     
Make in India Campaign whose objective is to position India as an international human resource hub that is capable of meeting the worldwide skilled labour needs.

What We Do

Offer the vocational Education and Training courses at AKS, in various disciplines like Arts, Science, Technology , Technical , Vocational, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil. Education is the vehicle to the journey of professional life.

Certified practitioners Training
Education Training courses
National Development Agency